2020 Vision Pentecost Appeal

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The Feast of Pentecost was a special offering by God’s people 50 days after the Passover. It was often called the celebration of first fruits, because people designated the first fruit or grain (or animal) of the season, which they would offer to God when it came to harvest time. The Pentecost offering was a special one, over and above the usual tithe of 10%.

By 24 June, SAC will need $1.7M, to make a progress payment for the Life Centre construction of $4.5M. All 2020 Vision funds will then have been spent. By 24 July, SAC will need $13.7M to make the next progress payment.

Please pray for God’s provision of the funds we need for June and then July. Without these and future funds totalling $63.6M, the project will be halted and work will stop.

A prayer for faith for St Andrew’s Church adapted from Psalm 31:1-5

Lord, we trust in you;
let us never be disgraced.
Save us, because we are seeking to do what is right.

Listen to us and save us quickly.
Be our rock of protection,
a strong city to save.

You are our rock and our protection.
For the good of your name, lead us and guide us.

Set us free from any trouble,
because you are our protection.

We give you our lives.
Save us, Lord, God of truth. Amen.

A prayer for the Life Centre

Lord God Almighty, the Heavens cannot contain you, yet you are pleased to dwell amongst us and call us your friends.

We bring to you our need for the Life Centre which will bring glory to your Name and which you will use to serve our community.

We depend fully on your guidance, wisdom, inspiration, and provision to build a centre that will be a symbol of your grace, and a witness to your love from generation to generation.

Bless our efforts, O Lord, and help us with the task that lies before us.
Send us the finances, the advice and the expertise that we need.
Above all send us your Spirit to help, equip and sustain us. Amen

A prayer for funds

We pray especially for our Vision Steering Committee and Church Council as they seek your wisdom as to how to move forward. Grant them success.

We pray that as a result we can be part of God’s plan in rebuilding broken lives through our 2020 Vision.

We pray for the funds that are urgently needed.

We pray for our Architect and Builder—Nelson Chen Architects and Ching Lee Engineering —that God will use them as well.

We pray that as a Church we will be alert to spiritual attack and be confident to respond spiritually and with discernment.

We pray for wise and sensitive use of resources.