Pastoral Care

What is Pastoral Care?

The Bible gives us a defining picture of God’s care for us and how this care, in turn, is to be expressed by Christian people. It is the picture of the shepherd caring for His flock. God is described as a shepherd – David declares “The Lord is my shepherd” in the much loved Psalm 23 and this reaches its climax in Jesus “the good shepherd”. 

This “shepherd care” is what we usually call “pastoral care”.

We share the compassion of Jesus by loving and caring for each other through hospitality, fellowship, discipleship, listening, prayer and intercession, healing and deliverance.

Our clergy and pastoral staff oversee St Andrew’s integrated approach to pastoral care that provides appropriate types of care for different needs.

To find out more about giving or receiving care, please contact the clergy or pastoral staff available at our services or via the church office.

What do we do?

Pastoral Care at St Andrew’s embraces the following:

Self Care

Pastoral Care at St Andrew’s will start with us teaching and modeling that we must all seek God’s blessing by living the way he commands us to. Self care is when members are open in their lives to receiving God’s grace and health through confession and repentance, prayer, scripture, fellowship and service. We have a  responsibility to ensure we are walking in obedience and encourage others to do the same. The best Pastoral Care is pre-emptive care. This is care that strengthens us  to live and grow in the midst of life’s uncertainties. Many of us find that the Cleansing Stream Seminar helps us to grow and develop in this way. 

Person to Person Care

St Andrew’s has a number of people active in Pastoral Care at various levels. These include: Welcome Teams, Prayer Teams, Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Staff.

Multi Group Care

The concept of multi groups was adopted by St Andrew’s many years ago. In a large church like St Andrew’s, multiple groups meet various needs and ministries. Like church, multi groups, and especially growth groups, can help people access the wider range of pastoral care that we offer.