Baptism & Weddings


What is Baptism?

Baptism is a public declaration of a person’s acceptance of the gospel and their faith in Jesus Christ. Traditionally, it also marks a person joining the church.

Why get baptised?

We get baptized because of the example of Jesus (Matt. 3:15) and his disciples (Acts 8:38), but also in obedience to Jesus' (Matt. 28:19). Baptism is a declaration of the gospel, in which we remember that Jesus' death on our behalf washes away our sins and makes us clean before God.

Our ministry at St Andrew's is to bring people to faith in Jesus. Hence, we encourage all who have come to faith to declare it publicly through baptism.

Baptism is normally administered during a Sunday service (sprinkling or full immersion). It is an occasion where the congregation can welcome new members, be reminded of their own profession of faith, and celebrate together the saving work of the Cross.

What about children? 

The inclusion of children of believers into the faith community is a biblical principle (e.g. Gen. 12:1-3 &  17:1-8; Acts 2:39).

Children are baptised on the basis of their parents’ faith and the understanding that they are brought up as Christians within the church. In time, children will need to make their own profession of faith. Hence, we normally baptise children whose parents are baptized Christians and are active members of SAC. A 'Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child' is offered to parents who do not wish to baptise their children for whatever reason.

What should I do in order to be baptised?

St Andrew’s regularly conducts baptisms for Christians wishing to publicly declare their faith in Jesus Christ, and celebrate their new birth from God. If you are interested in being baptised, please contact one of the pastors. They will arrange to talk with you and explain more details.

What about confirmation?

Every denomination and church has some means by which adults are welcomed into full membership of the church. In Anglican practice, the Bishop conducts confirmation as a rite of adult membership into the church after a person’s baptism, whether they are baptised as an adult or as a child.


The Anglican policy on wedding bookings, which St Andrew's follows, is:

  1. All weddings that take place in the Church must be taken by Anglican pastors and follow the Anglican rites.
  2. The couple must be baptised Christians.
  3. The Anglican pastor will prepare the couple for marriage.

St Andrew's Church members who want to get married in the church should contact one of the pastors. The couple is expected to attend at least three premarital counselling sessions with a trained mentor couple appointed the pastor.

  • Wedding Booking 2015 Information and Conditions(Download PDF)

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