
St Andrew's Church is a financially independent Church. Our income is provided by the sacrificial giving of our members. The Church has committed to give 12% of its offertory income as mission giving to the selected global reachout.

Give (header)

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

~ 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

How to Donate

Set Up a Regular Donation


How to Donate

Online Donation 

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

* Given Name
* Family Name
* Tel No
* Email
Postal Address

If you would like to donate more than HK$30,000, you can either make multiple online payments or send a Cheque to St Andrew's Church or contact the church office.

Donation Amount (HK$):

  HK$500   HK$1000   HK$5000   other amount HK$

Donation Amount (HK$):

  HK$500   HK$1000   HK$5000   other amount HK$  

(4% of your donation amount will be deducted by the online payment gateway as an administration charge)

Accumulated donations of HK$100 or above annually are tax deductible in Hong Kong with a receipt.

please specify:
The above information will be used for administration and fundraising purposes only. Please notify us in writing if you do not wish to receive future mailings from St Andrew’s Church.


Why not give regularly through the St Andrew’s Planned Christian Giving scheme and save money too?

Yes, I would like to enrol.

If you need more information, please contact the church office: Call (852) 2367-1478 or email .


Please read our Terms and Conditions before proceeding.

Online payment service is provided by PayDollar. Customers' payment details are securely transmitted to the acquiring bank, card and payment companies for real-time transaction authorisation using Extended Validation Certificates (EV) SSL transaction encryption.


Direct Transfer to Bank Account

Transfer directly through e-banking services or the ATM.

Bank Name: HSBC
Account number: 018-057919-001


By Cheque

Please make cheques payable to “St Andrew’s Church”.


Set Up a Regular Donation

Planned Christian Giving

Planned Christian Giving is a flexible and easy way to help you give to God in a consistent and disciplined manner, while the Church can budget more realistically. You can choose to give in one of the following ways:

1) Direct Transfer to Bank Account

Our HSBC bank Account number is 018-057919-001. Set up a standing instruction with your bank to regularly transfer a pre-set amount from your designated bank account to SAC. You can also regularly direct transfer through e-banking services or the ATM; send in the receipt to the SAC Administration Manager after transfer.

2) By Cheque using Monthly Envelopes

Please make cheques payable to “St Andrew’s Church”. Numbered envelopes will be mailed to your address quarterly. Put your donation in the envelope, send it back to the Church office or drop it in the offertory bag on Sundays. (Note: The envelopes are numbered but your reference number is known solely to the Administrative Manager and Church Administrator.)

Please download the Planned Christian Giving Leaflet for full details. May God bless you ever more abundantly as you give generously to your Church for the building of His Kingdom.