The Parenting Teenagers Course

parenting teenagers

What is The Parenting Teenagers Course?

A sequel to the popular Parenting Children Course, the Parenting Teenagers Course is an internationally acclaimed course created by Nicky and Sila Lee of Holy Trinity Brompton, London, designed for parents or carers of children 11-18 years old. It is full of practical, tangible tools you can put into action right away. Relevant for parents with or without Christian faith.

How are the sessions run?

Each of the 5 weekly sessions lasts 3 hours including the meal, DVD presentation and time for guests to complete exercises, share and discuss relevant parenting issues.

Talk Topics include:
  • Session 1: Keeping the End in Mind
  • Session 2: Meeting our Teenager’s Needs
  • Session 3: Setting Boundaries
  • Session 4: Developing Emotional Health
  • Session 5: Helping Them Make Good Choices

If you're interested in more information, check out the official course website .

When is the Next Course?

Stay tuned for the next course.


"The Parenting Teenagers Course exceeded our expectations in nearly everyway. Firstly, the course was very professionally prepared and presented making it easy for us to understand and relate to. It covered a big (and difficult) topic in a structured but easy to understand way by explaining the concepts and then making them real by having professional child specialists, the parents of teenagers and teenagers themselves comment on each of the topics based on their real life experiences - it’s a 360 degrees approach so you get the whole (balanced) picture not just one from the adults or child’s perspective alone. Also, the pace of the course was just right given the amount of material to be covered – you left the sessions feeling “challenged” but not “completely overwhelmed”.   

Secondly, as the parents of a pre-teen, and having just started to experience the first stages of teenage behavior, the course really put things into perspective for us as we were ignorant or naive about what was really happening or what to expect going forward having never been through it before. Accordingly, we weren’t making a good job of it. This course has opened our eyes to what is really happening with our child and that this is normal not abnormal behavior for teenagers. It has armed us with some tools to help us deal with the changes that are occurring so hopefully we can achieve a better outcome for both us and our children. One statement from the course that I think really summed things up for us is that our child is going through the process of moving from “parental control to self control” – this is the reality of the teenage years and so all we can do is try to guide them through this difficult and often confusing process as best we can. 

Lastly, by being with other parents of teenagers, you realize that you are not alone – everyone is experiencing the same things as you which is a relief.  We highly recommend this course for anyone with pre-teens through to full blown teenagers – you can’t leave without having learnt something of value." ~ Peter and Annie Van Weerdenburg