St Andrew's Partnership Course

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership
in the gospel from the first day until now"

~ Philippians 1:4-5

What is St Andrew's Partnership Course?

St Andrew’s Partnership is an initiative designed to introduce you to St Andrew’s. It is intended for both newcomers and attendees who want to know more about the church and its ministries, and how to get involved.

Through a series of seminars, you will learn about St Andrew’s: our beliefs and values, what the Bible teaches about Christian community, and what it means to belong at St Andrew’s. Our hope is that you find a spiritual home in Hong Kong that will help you to grow in your faith and give active expression to it.

The course comprises 4 seminars, one and a half hours each in duration:

  1. Belief: the centrality of the gospel
  2. Community: the context for growth
  3. Witness: proclaiming the gospel to our city
  4. Partnership: serving together

Why "partnership"?

Christians are united in a common faith in the gospel of Jesus. He calls on each of us to share this gospel with others, together using our gifts, resources and opportunities. According to the New Testament, belonging to Christian community means active involvement. We are partners, not spectators. We’re in it together.

Next Course

Date: 3, 10, 17 & 24 April 2016 (4 consecutive Sundays)
Time:  2:30-4:00 pm
Location: G/F Lounge

How do I join the course?

Online Registration: Click HERE for registration

Further enquiries, please contact Carrie at .