EQUIP courses


What is Equip?

Equip is a new initiative of adult education at St Andrew’s to equip our people to know their faith more deeply, to live it out, and to be able to share it with others.

When is Equip?

Beginning in 17 January 2016 on Sunday mornings, 9:30-11:00 am

Where will the courses be held?

G/F Lounge of the St Andrew’s Christian Centre (previously the Church Office)

What courses are available?

We will conduct some courses from Moore Theological College’s excellent Preliminary Theological Certificate programme (PTC)

The six subjects for the PTC Award are:

  1. Introduction to the Bible (a bible overview)
  2. Old Testament 1 (the Torah or first 5 books of the Bible)
  3. New Testament 1 (the Gospel of Mark)
  4. Ephesians
  5. Promise to Fulfillment (biblical theology)
  6. Doctrine 1

We will teach the PTC courses in the above order. We will also occasionally offer other short courses on apologetics and various aspects of Christian living.

Who will teach these courses?

Staff and qualified members of St Andrew’s will teach a range of courses.

What does an ‘Equip’ course cost?

Enrollment for the PTC courses is at AUS$90 per course. There is an online exam at the end of each course.  

The non-PTC courses will be offered at a minimal cost, simply to cover the costs of the course materials.

What commitment is required?

  • Pre-registration is essential for all the courses.
  • For many of the courses, including the PTC Award courses, weekly preparation is required. This usually entails pre-reading from set texts. Diligent preparation enables participants to benefit more from the courses.
  • Each PTC course takes 10 weeks with an online examination at Week 11 for those who wish to receive the PTC award. Examination is only compulsory for those who wish to obtain the award.
  • There are no examinations for non-PTC courses. Duration and preparation requirements will vary for these courses.

Church attendance

We hope and pray that you will benefit from ‘Equip’. Please understand ‘Equip’ is not to replace your participation at our Sunday services or Growth Groups. When you attend an ‘Equip’ course, please make sure you go to one of our other Sunday morning services as well.


Next  'EQUIP course'

Bible: Handle with Care (An Introduction to the Inductive Bible Study Method)
Date: 17 January - 15 May 2016 (except on 7 February & 27 March
Time: 9:30-11:00am
Venue: G/F Lounge
Sign up: 11 Jan 2016 (Monday)
Cost: $200 (pay cash/cheque in person at the Hub or mail your cheque payable to "St. Andrew's Church" to the church office)
Register: Stay tuned for upcoming course

Please contact Alex McCoy ( ) or Diana Barnett ( ).