The Parenting Children Course

What is The Parenting Children Course?

Created by Nicky and Sila Lee of Holy Trinity Brompton, London, authors of The Marriage Book and The Parenting Book, The Marriage Course and the Parriage Preparation Course. The Alpha Parenting Course started in 1990 and was officially released in 2011 due to popular demand. The Course is now being run throughout Hong Kong, the UK and in other countries around the world.

Who is this course for?

  • Any parent/carer of children from 0 to 10 years old
  • Those expecting their first child
  • Parents who come as a couple or on their own
  • Single parents and step-parents

How are the sessions run?

Each of the 5 weekly sessions lasts 3 hours including the meal, the talk and time for guests to complete exercises, share and discuss relevant parenting issues.

Talk Topics include:
  • Session 1: Building Strong Foundations
  • Session 2: Meeting our Children's Needs
  • Session 3: Setting Boundaries
  • Session 4: Teaching Healthy Relationships
  • Session 5: Our Long-Term Aim

If you're interested in more information, check out the official course website .

When is the Next Course?

Stay tuned for the next course.


"I think all parents arrived at the start of the Parenting Course not knowing what to expect. This sense of apprehension soon dissipated as we sat down at pre-assigned tables that combined parents of newborns with parents of children reaching their teens.  Before courtesies were fully exchanged, we were quickly moved onto the buffet trays sampling some delicious Sri Lankan main courses and desserts. As it turned out, we were able to try a vast selection of other wonderful international cuisines over the coming weeks provided by a marvellous caterer.

People are always happier on a full stomach.  So after tea and coffee, introductions recommenced with Pastor Dan Evers welcoming all to the course and pointing out the mobile bookstore that had an eclectic mix of parenting books, children's bibles and related Manga comics.

The first part of each session consisted of a watching a video hosted by Nicky and Sila Lee who amazingly were able to answer, with good humour, many of the questions that we the parents had lingering in our minds.  The video section continued with interviews with parents and their particularly loveable children who gave us a taste of how they faced and overcame everyday challenges with laughter and joy. It was an utterly inspiring experience to hear their stories.

From there, all course participants enthusiastically discussed the pros and cons of, amongst other things, moral compasses, children's five love languages, setting boundaries and encouraging responsibility.

We also exchanged ideas such as lounge camp outs for family bonding, equipping our children to deal with failure, adopting suitable parenting styles and understanding the undeserved favour or Grace bestowed by God.  In this respect, we were very fortunate for Pastor Dan and his wife Skye to share with us their experiences of raising four children.

Time flies when you are having fun, and the five week course was soon over with all parents keen to apply some of the newly acquired concepts.  By this time, the buffet trays and bookstore had been emptied by the course participants whose only remaining question was, "Where can I get some more?" ~ David Poon