Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry (header)

But you, man of God... pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love,
endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith.

~ 1 Timothy 6:11-12 

Our objective

St Andrew's men's ministry exists to help men be better followers of Jesus. We want to support and encourage men to put Jesus first in their lives. In the process we want to equip men to be more like Jesus at home and at work. To do this we need community, to give mutual support, friendship and prayer.


Apart from coming to church on Sundays, here are some ways that you can get involved.

  • Men's Growth Groups: small groups of men meeting to study the bible and pray
  • Men's Fraternity: Meeting on Sunday morning before church, this is a group that explores what the bible says about manhood, how to overcome challenges in life, and what it means to be a godly man. For more details click here.
  • Events: Come along to our regular BBQs and dinners to explore various topics, hear good stories, and enjoy good food and conversation.
  • Sport: Join our monthly men's social football (soccer) game, with drinks and burgers afterwards. 

Check out the upcoming events page for our next meeting. For more information contact Alex at