Cleansing Stream

What is Cleansing Stream?

The goal of Cleansing Stream is to enable Christians to live more fully in the freedom that is the gift of God in Jesus Christ and in turn disciple others in the body of Christ.

There are five bible based seminar sessions in Cleansing Stream:

  • Walk in the Spirit
  • Commit Everything to God
  • Speak Words of Life
  • Enter the Cleansing Stream
  • Press Towards the Goal

How are the sessions run?

In each session we worship, watch a lesson on DVD and then split into groups for discussion and prayer. We also follow a daily devotional guide and other material that help us focus on God and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Many people find the weekend retreat that is an integral part of Cleansing Stream a life changing experience. The seminar sessions prepare us for the good work God wants to do at the retreat and beyond. At past retreats we have witnessed the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in transforming individual lives. The retreat is not the end - it is a new beginning.

'The Cleansing Stream course is very helpful in revealing how our faith works out in our own personal lives. The course directs us through selected reading, journal writing, and prayer covered by trained leaders. We consider our plans and hopes in ways that are focused and attainable. Often I bring a problem or issue with me and commit it to the Lord; other times I go with a "blank" page and let God show me how he wants to work in my life.  In Cleansing Stream we get lots of encouragement from God, the Bible, as well as prayer and healing from one another. We become better equipped to love God and our neighbours.' ~ Peggy Antos

Course Schedule

This course is run twice a year. If you are interested, please contact the office or email:  .

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