Discipleship Explored

Discipleship Explored (header)

What is Discipleship Explored?

Discipleship Explored is an eight-week course looking at what it means to be a Christian.

Participants are taken on a journey into the Book of Philippians, as we explore what it means to follow Jesus in every part of our lives. The course includes carefully crafted bible study questions, excellent talks, and day-by-day Bible reading notes for participants.

Who is Discipleship Explored for?

The course is for ideal for new Christians, but is also great for anyone who wants to grow in their Christian life.

How do I join the course?

You can sign up at the Hub on Sunday.

Sign up online:

For St Andrew's Account Users sign up
Non-account users sign up

Contact one of the Discipleship staff about joining the course by emailing .

Next Course 

Date: From 6, 13, 27 September, 4, 11, 18, 25 October, 1 November
Time: 8:30-10pm (8 Fridays)
Costs for the course: $30