Growth Groups

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider
how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together."

~ Hebrews 10:23-25

What are Growth Groups?

Growth Groups are the main way people connect with others and are cared for at St Andrew’s. In these small groups, Christians meet regularly for bible study, prayer, worship, and fellowship.

Why join?

Because "growth" captures the essence of why we meet - we want to grow to be more like Jesus.

Which group is right for me?

We have groups that meet around Hong Kong and also at St Andrew’s.

Locations around Hong Kong include the Peak, Tung Chung, Gold Coast, Sai Kung, and Sheung Shiu. At St Andrew's, we have mixed-age groups meeting on Wednesday nights and alternate Saturday afternoons. We also have groups for students and young professionals meeting on Thursday nights.

There are ladies groups on Wednesday and Friday mornings, and men's groups on Thursday night and Sunday mornings before church.

Growth Groups are led by trained leaders who receive support from church staff.

What’s it like being in a group?

In groups you can build personal relationships and have a safe environment to share your thoughts and questions, joys and difficulties. 

In joining a Growth Group, you are making a commitment to be part of a community of believers. You are committing to learn and grow together, to serve and encourage one another.   

On your part this will involve:

  • Presence – Belonging to a Growth Group means being there when it meets. Sometimes there will be unavoidable situations that make it hard for you to be there, but you should make attending the group a priority. 
  • Participation - Belonging to a Growth Group means sharing our lives with others through care and encouragement. It also means actively working to help others grow to be more like Jesus.
  • Prayer - Belonging to a Growth Group means praying regularly for the members of the group. Prayer is a significant way in which we can serve each other as it’s a means by which God works.

How do I join a group?

There are a few ways that you could join a Growth Group.

  • Sign up for the St Andrew's Partnership course. It's a short course that helps you to know more about the church and what it looks like to be part of a Christian community. Afterwards, you can be placed in a Growth Group.
  • Ask a friend at St Andrew's. Plenty of people at church are part of Growth Groups. When you talk with people, find out more about their group and ask if you can check it out for yourself.
  • Contact one of the Discipleship staff about joining a Growth Group by emailing .