
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

~ Philippians 4:6-7


Monthly Prayer Meeting

Next Meeting Date: 7 March 2015 (Monday)        
Venue: Church

2020 Vision Prayer Friday

Click HERE to join the ''2020 Vision Prayer Friday'' Group to receive specific prayers for the 2020 Vision by email each Friday lunchtime. 


Weekly Prayer (19 February, 2016)

“On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.””
(John 7:37–38 NIV11)


Lord God, heavenly Father,

We praise you for the kindness of a Saviour. We thank you for sending your son, Jesus to us to make us your sons and daughters through faith. We are included in the family of God when we believe. Hear our prayers and help us to proclaim this and your many blessings with boldness and clarity.

Thank you Lord for satisfying our spiritual thirst as we grow to maturity in our Christian faith. We pray for those who are newly baptized that they know from the start that it is Jesus who makes a way for them to have life more abundantly now and eternally. We pray for long time Christians that they are satisfied and renewed with the baptism of the Spirit and the many promises and blessings of God.  

We pray also for those who have physical thirst. We pray for the ones who need healing and blessing in the world we live. We pray for those who want to be cleansed of the sins and weights of living in this world. We pray that those who work in the marketplace and attend schools and universities are kept safe from the fiery arrows of deception and temptation.

We pray for those who have emotional thirst. We pray for those who feel weak and vulnerable. We pray for those who suffer depression, mild and severe. We pray for those who are mourning and grieving now, knowing that in Christ we have hope for transformation. We thank God that help is available from many sources, especially the Bible, and we thank God for those who offer themselves as prayer ministers, group leaders, or simply a friend to meet with us to pray and encourage. We pray for caregivers who stay home to take care of elderly parents and family. We thank God that he is with us, knows what we endure, and our prayers are heard.
We thank God for St Andrew’s Church that amply supplies our needs to pray for the things that we are lacking and to rejoice for our answered prayers. We pray that all of our congregation has some means of receiving prayer support and will freely take it.

We pray for those in the world who have physical water limitations and food shortage, those who only know dry, war torn deserts and destruction, and those who risk their lives on the seas to find safer shores. Lord, we who have much goodness and favor, along with some hardships, come to you and pray for our needs, but we do not forget to pray for the needs of others. Help us to be life giving to those around us, starting in our own families and those we meet in our city. We pray that our God given righteousness and grace will spread out like pools of living water to bless and cheer those who will receive our love because God first loved us and sent his Son. Help us to extend your kingdom of love.

In Jesus name we pray.


Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry is offered at the end of all our Sunday services.

Prayer ministry teams pray for all aspects of our Sunday services and are available to pray with you at the end of the service.

If you’d like someone to pray with you, simply come to the front of the church when the service is over and our prayer ministers will be waiting for you. This is an opportunity to respond to whatever God is saying to you, to offer thanksgiving for His goodness or to SHARE a burden you or someone you care for is bearing. If for any reason you are unable to find someone, please contact the pastoral staff or service leader. 

Confidential Prayer Chain

Do you need prayer... confidentially?

People who serve on the Confidential Intercessory Prayer Chain are trustworthy people who have made a commitment to pray faithfully on your behalf by lifting up specific requests, concerns and emergency situations to the Lord. Rest assured that your requests are kept confidential.

Just send us an email stating your prayer request to . We will keep praying for you for one week from the date we receive your request unless there is a new update on the situation.