Women's Ministry


Upcoming Events

Women's Ministry Dinner and a Movie: "The Good Lie"
starring Reese Witherspoon and Emmanuel Jal

Based on a true story, this is a movie about hope.  A group of Sudanese refugees given the chance to resettle in America arrive in Kansas City, Missouri, where their encounter with an employment agency counselor forever changes all of their lives. Some of the main actors are deeply connected to the story, being 'lost boys' themselves.

When: Saturday 24 October, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Where: 1/F YouthworX Hall, Christian Centre
Cost: $80 per person (movie food: hot-dogs, popcorn, treats....)
Registration: simply click HERE to register

As a follow up to our Women's Ministry Dinner and a Movie: "The Good Lie", we are excited to present this documentary about one of the main actor's in the movie, Emmanuel Jal.  It is an incredible story!

Emmanuel Jal’s Story
“Left home at the age of seven/one year later I’m carryin’ an Ak-47.” For hip hop artist Emmanuel Jal, a former child soldier in Sudan’s brutal civil war, these lyrics are hardly empty posturing. They are the bitter reality of a young man who was “forced to sin” but determined to “never give up and never give in.” Today, wounded but still hopeful, Emmanuel Jal fights a new battle: bringing peace to his beloved Sudan and building schools in Africa. This time, his weapon is a microphone. See why audiences from New York to Berlin to London rave about the award-winning film, War Child, and have embraced the hip-hop artist with a terrifying past and a gentle soul. Interspersing original interviews, live concerts, and rare footage of Emmanuel Jal as a seven year-old boy, War Child will make viewers cry, laugh, dance, and celebrate the power of hope.

When: Saturday, 14 November, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Where: 1/F YouthworX Hall, Christian Centre
Cost: $80 per person (movie food: hot-dogs, popcorn, treats....)
(Paid by cash or cheque to St Andrew's Church by Tuesday 10 November to secure space.)
Registration: simply click HERE to register

Women's Walk

For all women who like fresh air, gorgeous views, a chance to stretch their legs and and an opportunity to meet someone new.  The walk around the Peak is not too strenuous or time consuming. 

Date: Saturday, 7 November
Time: 10:00am-12:00(Noon)

We'll meet at 10am on the slope just outside the tram entrance/exit ON the Peak (once you've come up).   Lunch to follow for those who can stay after the walk (place to be determined).  
Click HERE for registration.

St Andrew’s Women’s Ministry seeks to:


Love like Jesus

With a variety of events designed to welcome ALL women, no matter what stage of life or faith, to meet, share, learn, and grow.  We want to help women become more connected into the life of the church; or perhaps to hear the gospel for the very first time.  

Rely on God like Jesus

With events focused on teaching from the Word of God so that women can grow in faith becoming more and more equipped to “give a reason for the hope that we have in Jesus”.  At home, at work, at play.

Be a friend like Jesus

With smaller studies and Growth Groups so women can support, encourage and build each other up through studying God’s Word together, praying together, sharing both joy and pain together. 

Be unafraid Like Jesus

 We hope to see the Women of St Andrew’s putting faith in action and reaching deeper into the community with the Love of God! 


“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  - Hebrews 10: 23-25


For more information, please contact