Music & Creative Arts

Worship Team

Music ministry at St Andrew’s plays a major role in church on Sundays.

For each church time we have several teams of leaders, instrumentalists and singers who can be called on to form a band or ensemble on a roster basis.

Generally, there is a Friday evening practice prior to the Sunday, led by our Director of Music and Creative Ministry or one of our worship leaders.

  • The 8:30am worship team consists of a pianist and occasional instrumentalists. They rehearse at 8am on the day of church.
  • The 9:30am and 11:30am worship team often involves up to 4 singers together with keyboardist, guitarist, bass player and drummer. The worship songs are a variety of both recent contemporary songs and classic hymns. They rehearse on Fridays evenings.
  • The 5pm worship team often comprises up to 4 singers, keyboardist, guitarist, electric guitarist, bass player, drummer and occasional solo instrumentalists. The team practices on Friday evenings and also before the service from 3:15pm.

We welcome any Christians who are committed to grow spiritually in Christ and to further develop their God-given musical talents for His glory to join.

2016 Easter Choir Audition

Easter is coming soon. A choir and ensemble will again be part of our Easter services. If you are keen to serve, you’re gifted in singing, and can read music, you are welcome to join our choir. Choir numbers are limited, so auditions are necessary.
For more details Click Here.


A choir is assembled for seasonal events such as Carols by candlelight, Christmas Eve midnight service, Christmas morning service, Good Friday and Easter Sunday service, or any special occasion that might arise.

The choir is composed of members from different congregation and the size of which has varied from less than 25 to 45 or more. Usually, the choir sings choral items with multiple harmony parts of varying complexity. Generally, male voices are in the shortest supply.

There is always room for new members. The choir is open to any member of St Andrew’s who is willing and able. It practices regularly and yet the schedule may vary from year to year.


At each service we have a team of volunteers who are responsible for audio and visual multi-media operation respectively. The audio team is open to those who are willing to fiddle patiently with lots of knobs making many adjustments, as well as those with musical ears. The visual team also welcomes computer literates who have a reasonable knowledge and experience to serve in the ministry. Full training is provided.

Sounds great! How do I join?

Please email June Lee at  . if you're interested to join one of these ministries.