ASK Fundraising Training

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Have you contacts with companies, friends or colleagues who may support SAC and Fundraising for the Life Centre? Are you willing to support the 2020 Vision with training to approach potential donors?

  • To date over HK$ 94 millions has been raised towards the construction and fitting out of the Life Centre.
  • Over 90% of this has been committed by SAC members.

We plan to approach those outside the SAC community who may be willing to support the work of SAC and the building of the Life Centre as a hub for community use. We recognise many of us are inexperienced or fearful to do this! We have therefore appointed Susan Madon, an experienced fundraiser for many NGO’s to provide training in how to approach and ask potential donors!

The ASK training workshop will be available on:

                                                               Saturday 14 December 2013

                                                                              10am – 1pm

                                                                         1st floor Church Hall

We are appealing to all church members who would like to support the 2020 Vision in Fundraising to come to this workshop. It is free of charge for all church members. 

  • Learn how to identify, approach and ask (nicely!) potential donors.
  • Practice session included

This training could be valuable in enhancing life skills even outside SAC fundraising.

To register, email  with your name, contact number and the service you attend at St Andrew's. 

Tags: 2020 vision, fundraising