Bishop Andrew blessed the future Life Centre site

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On 29 June, about 70 people gathered at St Andrew’s Church to attend a ceremony to bless the site of the future St Andrew’s Life Centre. It was a sunny Friday morning despite typhoon signal no. 1 being in force. Guests included church members, council members, representatives from Ching Lee Engineering, Nelson Chen Architects, Aurecon Hong Kong, Langdon & Seah Hong Kong and BSA Consultants.

John Menear, vicar of St Andrew’s Church, opened with a remark about the importance of the occasion as the culmination of over four years of hard work and planning. A passage from 1 Corinthians was read: ‘Everyone doing the building must work carefully. For the foundation, nobody can lay any other than the one which has already been laid, that is Jesus Christ.’ Our Bishop of the Diocese of Western Kowloon, the Right Revd Andrew Chan, then blessed the site by praying that everyone who works on it and for it will be kept safe from danger and will nd blessing and joy in their work. The brief but solemn ceremony ended with joyful fellowship in the Hub, with the sharing of a delicious roast pig provided by Ching Lee.