Dollar for Dollar 2015 Fundraising Appeal #2

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Dollar for Dollar Fundraising Appeal 2015#2

We are excited to announce that Dollar for Dollar #1 has been met in 2 weeks’ time. Thank you for your generous support.

Two church members initiated new Dollar for Dollar Fundraising Appeal. From now till 8 November, every dollar you give will be matched by them for up to $400,000.

To participate, simply give your donations in an envelope marked “2015 Dollar for Dollar #2”, or earmark your cheque “2015 $ for $ Appeal #2”. Alternatively you can transfer money to “St Andrew’s Church Vision Fund” Hang Seng Bank account no. 228-219002-002 and inform Juliana at for issuing a receipt.

Would you also consider initiating new Dollar for Dollar Appeal? Please contact Juliana.

We received HK$303,500 donations for #2 Appeal within the first week.