Dollar for Dollar Fundraising Appeal

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A Growth Group had prayerfully responded to the funding needs for the 2020 Vision building project by initiating a ‘Dollar for Dollar Fundraising Appeal’.

For every dollar you give, as a congregation member, before 14 July, this Growth Group will match your donation, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $1.8 million. The aim is to raise enough funds to complete the next month's payment.

As at 30 June, we have received $880,000 from the congregation. This sum will be matched by the Growth Group which means we have raised $1,760,000. The more you give, the more this Growth Group will match, please do so by 14 July.

We invite you to share in the joy of giving. To participate, simply give your donation earmarked ‘Dollar for Dollar Fundraising Appeal’ on the back of a cheque or on an envelope.

Please contact Juliana Wong for any inquiries.

Tags: fundraising, dollar for dollar