Dollar for Dollar Fundraising Appeal Update

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The Dollar for Dollar Fundraising Appeal has grabbed people’s imagination and giving. A Growth group donated $1.8 million and called church members to match the donation dollar for dollar. This fundraising approach is really a way to encourage others to share in the blessing of reaching our target.

That target was reached this past week, so that $3.6 million has been donated towards the August construction payment. This is exciting news!

But now 2 church members have offered $1 million on the same basis - dollar for dollar. And 2 more church members have done the same.

So we invite you to share in the challenge of giving to meet this new target by the 18 August. Your donation will be doubled, up to $2 million, so that $4 million in total will go to the 2020 Vision fund for August. To participate simply give your donation in an envelope marked “Dollar for Dollar Appeal No. 2” or written on the back of the cheque.

If you want to initiate a new Dollar for Dollar Appeal No. 3, speak to Mrs Juliana Wong ...... or the Vicar.

Tags: fundraising appeal, fundraising, dollar for dollar