Important Updates for the St Andrew's 2020 Vision Fund

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The St Andrew’s Life Centre development is moving ahead, although with some delays,largely related to increased work required by the Buildings Department.

In order to keep everyone informed, please consider the following points:

  1. The Vision Fund stands at $82,973,619 with a balance of $72,026,381 still to be raised.
  2. After payments already made, the present balance of the Vision Fund will run out by the end of November.


We are continuing to talk to certain potential donors for their support. These conversations take time, and require levels of information about our ministries and the plans for the Life Centre.

The Vicar and Church Council are appealing to church members to prayerfully consider if they know any potential donors who may be approached to support the 2020 Vision. The Vicar, Church Council and Staff have issued an appeal: “As the Lord enables, the Vicar, Council and Staff resolve to make an additional offering, and to even double their donations for the completion of the Life Centre development. St Andrew’s brothers and sisters are asked, as the Lord provides and makes possible, to also join together in seeking to double their existing donation, to the glory of God.”

Church Member Loans
St Andrew’s Council is requesting Church members to consider loaning funds to the 2020 Vision Fund, to enable the development to be completed. The general principle for the loans would be: no fixed term, interest free, to be repaid as soon as sufficient funds are raised from donations. However other loan arrangements could be discussed with individual donors. An information leaflet will be available later, but church members are encouraged to express interest as soon as possible.

St Andrew’s is making enquiries of lending institutions, however a number of technical and legal limitations will make this a difficult and uncertain process, with an unlikely outcome.


Because of the faithful response to the Vision Fund, the general giving for this year has risen by only 5% - which in any normal time would be a good response. However our ministry budget for 2013 has a shortfall of $1,234,755 to the date of 26 August. Nearly all special one-off donations are going to the 2020 Vision Fund, and so the General Fund is struggling. It is my personal belief that we the church, brothers and sisters together, support the ministries of St Andrew’s and good work undertaken by Staff and Council. But it is just that the General Fund currently does not reflect that support, because we all feel the 2020 Vision is a more urgent and important appeal.

I want to ask us all to reflect on how we may best ensure that, while we focus on the 2020 Vision Fund, we do not neglect the ongoing work of the church day by day to“Love Jesus, Teach the Bible, Build Community, Share the Gospel, Love the City”.

Your servant in Christ

John Menear,