Progress of Life Centre Construction

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The basic mini pile foundation work is almost completed and the sheet piling around the boundaries of the site are almost completed (by end of February). The contractors have had to use special equipment to minimise any vibration or possible damage to the church and the old Kowloon British school building which is now the Antiquities and Monuments office next door.

The next phase of the construction, in the months up to summer, will be excavation. At the same time, work is underway for the laying of all the utility cables and pipes, through the Old Vicarage garden to the building site, and to the power substation behind the Christian Centre.

Plans are also well underway for inside the building. The seating and colour scheme has been finalised, and so is the layout in the lower ground floor. We are presently working out the lighting, sound and vision needs, and will be asking for installation tenders. Finally Nelson Chen, our architect, and Ken Nicholson, our landscape architect, are finalising the design for the grounds after the project is built.