Support the Fundraising Triathlon 2015

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On 31 October at Disneyland, 19 Teams and 3 individuals from St Andrew's will participate in the Triathlon and help fundraising for the 2020 Vision. Check out the teams at the Life Centre lobbies.

Support the teams by sponsoring them, simply mark your donation for "Triathlon". Sponsorship is open from now till 15 November. We hope to break last year's record of HK$750,000!

New Triathlon T-shirts are also available for sale in the Hub. All proceeds go to 2020 Vision.

You are welcome to cheer the teams on the Day. The race starts at 9:00am. Follow the sign from Disney Station to get to the racecourse.

Please contact James or Jonty if you have any questions about the triathlon day. James ( ); or Jonty ( )
Team List & Course Map

Tags: fundraising, triathlon 2015