Special Prayer Network - Vicar's Prayer Team

Many church partners are preparing to speak to potential donors about the 2020 Vision Fund. They are asking if we can mobilise a network of praying supporters who will uphold them in prayer as they undertake their task.


Some church partners especially want to fast and pray for all of this, and St Andrew’s will be organising a network for those who want to join. Some church partners are preparing to speak to special people who they believe and pray might be willing to support the 2020 Vision financially in the very near future.

We want to support them in prayer as they prepare and then go to meet these people.

We want to create a special network which will join in some or all of the following supports:

  1. Indicate your willingness to join the network.
  2. You will be asked to pray for specific people, (either by real name of initial) as they prepare to speak to someone.
  3. You will be encouraged to fast and pray at this time. 
  4. When the time comes for people to meet and talk we all will be asked to give time over to especially pray during the meeting.
  5. SAC will keep us all informed in a general way as to progress of these meets. 

We believe that prayer is not a technique that persuades God to answer our requests, but He has told us to Ask, Seek, and Knock. 

In the same way, St Andrew’s church partners will "hold up holy hands in prayer” as a fellowship of support for those who go to speak to others. We want our prayers to glorify God by us praying on behalf of all this in St Andrew’s who for whatever reason cannot, at that time, pray as well. 

Please join the Vicar's Vision Prayer Team by filling in the form below and share the blessing that God is bringing to St Andrew’s Church.  

Join the Vicar's Prayer Team

Besides this prayer network, St Andrew’s has a number of prayer opportunities each week for the 2020 Vision. The Prayer Friday network has been at prayer each week for nearly 3 years. If you want to know more see here