Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers care for people inside and outside the congregation, including those experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, serious illness, loneliness, spiritual crisis, hospitalisation, relocation, and other life difficulties.

In a word, Stephen Ministers are the After People.

Stephen Ministers are there:

  • ....after the phone call you hoped you’d never get
  • ....after the bottom falls out of your life
  • ....after the funeral when everyone has left and the emotions you have held at bay come crashing in on you
  • ....after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible
  • ....after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it through

Contact one of the clergy at our services or via the church office. From there, our coordinator explains the ministry fully and as appropriate will match you with a trained Stephen Minister.

Men are matched with men and women with women. Each Stephen Minister meets with his or her care receiver for about an hour a week to provide one to one, confidential, Christ centered care.

More information about Stephen Ministry is available at


Next Course:

2 Sep 2013 - 20 Jan 2014, every Monday, at 1/F Old Vicarage.

For more details please speak to Dale or a Stephen Minister.