Story of the Twins

06.11.13 | Life Stories | by Cathy Chan

Story of the Twins

    My twin sister Fiona and I first discovered St Andrew’s Church when we were less than 10 years of age. After the first visit we found ourselves being drawn back again and again just to sit in the empty church for quiet prayers. Every time after spending time in the church sanctuary, indescribable peace and joy fill our hearts. Since then St Andrew’s has been a very special place for us.

    Early one evening in 1996, as we were walking on Nathan Road, we were reminded of the hidden church. So we walked up the stone staircase to see if the church was still open. To our surprise, it was not only open - it was filled with evening church worshippers! Longterm member Alan (who passed away last year) invited us to join the service, but unsure about what kind of church it was, we politely declined his invitation. Later on we found out that Reverend Aldis - whom we listened to every Friday at DGS school assembly - was the vicar there, and we decided to try it out. We started attending SAC regularly - we joined the youth group, attended an Alpha Course, were baptised, started serving in different ministries and even got married at St Andrew’s. In the course of the past 17 years, each time we return to Hong Kong having left for study or missions, we find ourselves being drawn back to our spiritual home

    To us, St Andrew’s is and will always be a very special place - a place where we believe God has personally brought us to, a place where we grew, matured, multiplied and were sent out to serve the world in our different capacities. God has shown us His love and faithfulness through SAC, and I pray that with the 2020 Vision becoming a reality, SAC will draw even more people to God.

    Cathy Chan