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Grouped by: Life Stories

    A Chorister's Reflection

    10.03.13 | Life Stories | by Suzanne Tong

    It is that time of the year when the church choir resumes weekly practice in prepara­tion for the Christmas services. The start of the new ‘choir season’ has led me to reflect on what it means to be a member of a choir. In these ...

      Thankful He answered: ‘YES’

      10.03.13 | Life Stories | by Carol Strydom

      I was reminded recently while preparing to do a ‘God Talk’ for the DGJS school assembly, that God often answers our prayers in 3 different ways. Sometimes His answer to us is “Yes”, sometimes “No”, and sometimes ...

        Story of the Twins

        06.11.13 | Life Stories | by Cathy Chan

        My twin sister Fiona and I first discovered St Andrew’s Church when we were less than 10 years of age. After the first visit we found ourselves being drawn back again and again just to sit in the empty church for quiet prayers. Every time ...

          Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness

          01.13.13 | Life Stories | by Alan Chan

          I have worked in the banking industry all my life but I decided to start my own business two years ago. But it all fell apart and I had to look for a job again. Eighteen months into my job search I had given up mentally although I was still sending ...

            The Lord’s Work in My Life

            12.02.12 | Life Stories | by Rich Laver

            The Lord has totally changed my life such that I will always be indebted to Him for His love for me. His work in me began at the age of 13. As a youngster, I was crafty, mischievous and rebellious, with my unruly behaviour culminating in a ...
