2020 Vision Pentecost Appeal

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The Feast of Pentecost was a special offering by God’s people 50 days after the Passover. It was often called the celebration of first fruits, because people designated the first fruit or grain (or animal) of the season, which they would offer to God when it came to harvest time. The ...

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Latest 2020 Vision Brochure in English & Chinese

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The most updated version of the 2020 Vision Brochure is available. Here are the contents: p 1-2 Introductionp 3-4 A Short History of Space and the Need for itp 5-6 What is the 2020 Vision?p 7-14 St Andrew's Church Life Centre - Equipping our people to love the city & build community p 15-16 ...

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The Roof of the Life Centre

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We thank God for the good progress made today in pouring the concrete for the roof of the Life ...

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Concreting of the roof of the Life Centre

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The roof of the Life Centre will be concreted on Tuesday 15 April 2014. Work will start at 6:30am to 7pm depending on the traffic on the day. We are expecting about 100 truck loads of concrete in and out of the Church site to be using the driveway as well as three concrete ...

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Tags: construction update

2020 Vision Fund Target Update - April 2014

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On 23 March, the Annual Church Meeting agreed to increase the 2020 Vision Fund target to HK$180M due to the following reasons: Increased construction costs - due to engineering requirements Upgraded audio & visual, security and telecom facilities Upgrade of church facilities to ...

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Tags: 2020 vision, fundraising, budget

Love Art Love Church - Fundraising Art Exhibition

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In partnership with Art Infinity Workshop, St Andrew’s is organising an art exhibition to raise funds for the 2020 Vision. All artworks are donated by a group of local artists who are passionate about art and nature. Some of the works showcase the heritage of St Andrew’s, whilst others ...

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Tags: fundraising event, art exhibition


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Can you support the 2020 Vision with a loan to St. Andrew’s Church? To date we have raised over HK$94 millions (60% of budgeted cost – HK$155 millions) towards the construction of the Life Centre. Cash available to meet contractual needs will only cover payments until end January ...

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Tags: 2020 vision, fundraising

ASK Fundraising Training

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Have you contacts with companies, friends or colleagues who may support SAC and Fundraising for the Life Centre? Are you willing to support the 2020 Vision with training to approach potential donors? To date over HK$ 94 millions has been raised towards the construction and fitting out of the ...

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Tags: 2020 vision, fundraising

Progress on the Life Centre Construction & Fundraising

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PROGRESS ON THE LIFE CENTRE CONSTRUCTION Work now progressed to the stage that the foundations and floor of the basement are being laid. This means that a lot of concrete mixers will be visiting the site over the next few months. For the safety of workers, pedestrians on Nathan Road and all those ...

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SAC Teams Grabbed 2 Prizes and Fundraised for Life Centre

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    The Triathlon brought around 100 St Andrew's church members to the Disneyland Resort on a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning on 26 October. Of the 19 relay teams and 1 individual who took part, Team SA Giant and SAC Team Power captured the second and third place respectively in the ...

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Tags: 2020 vision, fundraising, fundraising event