Important Updates for the St Andrew's 2020 Vision Fund

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The St Andrew’s Life Centre development is moving ahead, although with some delays,largely related to increased work required by the Buildings Department. In order to keep everyone informed, please consider the following points: The Vision Fund stands at $82,973,619 with a balance of ...

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Underground Utilities Work Continues

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Due to underground utilities work for the Life Centre, the children's playground next to the Old Vicarage will be closed in August. Meanwhile, the laying of new pipes and electric cables continues within the church site. Please take care when using the church grounds, especially with the elderly ...

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Tags: 2020 vision, life centre, construction update

2020 Vision 1st Anniversary Life Centre Building Progress Update

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1st Anniversary Life Centre Building Progress Update One year has passed since the building of the Life Centre began in June 2012. A special 1st anniversary newsletter gives a review of the challenges St Andrew’s managed to overcome in construction and the most updated report on ...

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Life Centre Recognition & Facilities Gifting Programme Launched

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Response for the Life Centre Recognition Programme and the Facilities Giving Programme, two initiatives launched in May 2013 to fundraise for the new Life Centre, has been satisfactory.  Committed items so far include the Roof Garden, the Amphitheatre in the Lower Level, the ...

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Gala Dinner raised $3.2M for Life Centre

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St Andrew's Church held its biggest fundraising event of all time - ‘Sharing our Heritage’ Gala Dinner - at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel Grand Ballroom on 10 May 2013.  ​​Honorary Advisors Ms Eva Cheng, Mr Ron Hui, Archbishop Rev Paul Kwong and guests ...

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Tags: fundraising, 2020 vision, fundraising event

Silent Auction

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The Silent Auction part of the Gala Dinner is now open for people's participation. The online bidding is now closed.All proceeds of the Silent Auction go to the 2020 Vision Fund. Thank you for your support.

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2020 Vision Building Project received Broad Media Coverage

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Chinese Media -  Sing Tao Daily News  (15 March 2013) Kingdom Revival Times (15 March 2013)  Christian Weekly (22 March 2013)   Christian Times (24 March 2013)  Hong Kong Daily News (5 April 2013)    English Media -  South ...

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Facilities Upgrade & Ongoing Minor Works for Life Centre

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Due to the drainage work for the Life Centre, part of the staircase by the Lych Gate is being closed off temporarily. Meanwhile, the laying of new pipes and electric cables continues within the church site. Please take care when using the church grounds, especially with the elderly and young ...

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Progress of Life Centre Construction

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The basic mini pile foundation work is almost completed and the sheet piling around the boundaries of the site are almost completed (by end of February). The contractors have had to use special equipment to minimise any vibration or possible damage to the church and the old Kowloon British school ...

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Community Outreach Event: Discover TST Heritage Challenge & SAC Fair

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A hidden gem in Tsimshatsui and one of Hong Kong’s UNESCO award-winning cultural heritage sites, St Andrew’s Church organised a family-friendly “Discover Tsimshatsui Heritage Challenge” on 1 December 2012. The event was open to the public and combines an all-age ...

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